Well had a busy day today. Was out early getting stuff done and driving back and forth. I drive a 1986 Corvette and its not the best car to be driving all day long. Great for short rides but man, my legs are killin' me. Anyway, Will be going to the International Miami Car Show tommarow morning. Can't wait to see my favarite Hummer H2!!!!
Welcome to my new Blog!!!! Hopefully this will be my final Blog site. Been through a few and didn't like any of them. So anyway, My first post here will be about my XBox. The ultimate gaming system out there. I have been modding it for the last few months. Adding Mod-Chip, HD and LEDs. I just begun painting it also. Chrome!!!! Hopefully after 6 coats of paint it will look good. Just got to figure how to post pics of it here. Anyway, see you all l8er.